+91 90044 91445

Bite Correction

Biting forces are supposed to be uniformly distributed over all the teeth. If there is an imbalance of forces on teeth i.e. if some teeth bear very high forces they will become painful and thus cause dental and facial pain. Incorrect diagnosis of this pain may often lead to unnecessary dental treatments. With our advanced equipment, we can locate the imbalance in force distribution and effectively treat it.

Bite Guard for Athletes

Bite guards are known to protect teeth from any injury that may happen during an outdoor sport. But do you know, bite guards are also used to enhance the performance of an athlete. Whenever one wants to exert extra force, teeth clench into a strong bite. Energy is derived from the bite. If the bite is well balanced, either on orthotic or on natural teeth, performance of the athlete increases. The difference between winner and runner-up is at times less than 0.1%. Our bite guards can make you a winner!

India's Most Advanced TMJ Centre

Arthrose is the first & only clinic in Mumbai to have best in class biometric equipment such as T-Scan Novus (Bite imbalance evaluation), 8 Lead BioEMG (Muscle imbalance evaluation), Joint Vibration Analysis (TMJ evaluation), Ultra low-frequency TENS (Muscle & Nerve relaxation), Therapeutic Ultrasound (pain relief), Low intensity laser therapy (Bio stimulation), in house Cone beam CT, Intra oral scanner and many more.